raP | Model Castings | Covershoot Models Series
Italy based photographer, shooting models for his Covershoot series
English | Portugues | Deutsch | Español | Italiano
-there's no known beauty where there's not simplicity, goodness and truth-
en: I am always looking for new exciting models, athletes, fitness trainers, dancers to work with for different personal or assigned projects. If you think you have what it takes to model, get in contact with me by sending your full details (include also the agency details if represented) along with images of yourself. Or e-mail me at ra.covershoot@gmail.com or fill the form below.
it: Sto sempre cercando nuovi modelli, atleti, fitness trainers, ballerini con cui lavorare insieme per diversi progetti personali o assegnati. Se pensa di avere quel che ci vuole per modellare, le prego di inviarmi i suo dettagli (includa anche i dettagli dell'agenzia se è rappresentata) e aggiunga le sue foto. Oppure mi invii un'e-mail a ra.covershoot@gmail.com oppure compila il modulo sottostante.
de: Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach neuen spannenden modellen, Athleten, Fitness-Trainer, Tänzer zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie denken, dass Sie haben was es braucht als Modell, Kontaktieren Sie mich und senden Sie mir Ihre vollständigen Details (auch die Agenturdetails, falls Sie sind vertreten) zusammen mit Bildern von Ihnen. O senden Sie mir bitte eine e-mail an ra.covershoot@gmail.com oder füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus.
pt: Estou sempre à procura de novos modelos, atletas, instrutores de fitness, dançarinos para trabalhar com diferentes projetos pessoais ou designados. Se você acha que tem o que se precisa para modelar, entre em contato comigo. Ou envie um email para ra.covershoot@gmail.com ou preencha o formulário abaixo.
cz: Vždycky hledám nové vzrušující modely, sportovce, fitness trenéry, tanečníky, pracovat se mnou. Pokud si myslíte, že máte to, co je potřeba modelovat, spojte se s mnou zasláním všech podrobností (včetně údajů o agentuře, pokud jste zastoupeni) spolu s obrázky z vás. Nebo mi pošlete e-mail ra.covershoot@gmail.com nebo vyplňte níže uvedený formulář.